The National Atlas of Hungary (MNA) was published first in 1967, then in 1989. The new edition of the Atlas in four volumes in Hungarian and also in English wishes to present the dynamic spatial structure of nature, society and the economy not merely for Hungary, but wherever the required data are available, for the Carpatho–Pannonian Area. In favour of keeping relations with the broader public and meeting the requirements of the time, the Atlas – in addition to its impressive printed form – will be published also in digital version (e-MNA) in Hungarian and English ( A national atlas is the given country’s ’identity card,’ one of its most significant national symbols in addition to its flag, coat of arms and national anthem. It is usually a series of maps complemented with textual explanations and various illustrations, which show the given state’s natural, economic and social features through logically and proportionally constructed maps using a well-defined scale and fairly uniform cartographic iconography.
Data editiei | 2018 |
Editura | Alte editura |
Legatura | cartonat |
Dimensiune (cm) | 31 x 42 |
Limba | engleză |
Nr. pagini | 188 |
Tip | calatorie |