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Albumul Patrimoniului Mondial al Ungariei - World Heritage Sites in Hungary(engleză)
77,86 Lei
Cartographia-Albumul Patrimoniului Mondial al Ungariei - World Heritage Sites in Hungary(engleză)-9789632442624
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Albumul Patrimoniului Mondial al Ungariei - World Heritage Sites in Hungary(engleză)

77,86 Lei
Producător: Scolar
Model: 231244262
Cod articol producător: 9789632442624
Stoc: Produs indisponibil


Every country in the world has breathtaking landscapes and imposing monuments of which it can be genuinely proud. This is certainly true of Hungary, where the UNESCO World Heritage Committee has already inscribed several sites as part of the world heritage. In 1987, the Budapest panorama from the banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and the village of Hollókő were the first to be included on the World Heritage List, while the most recent additions, in 2002, were Andrássy Avenue and the Tokaj historic wine region. Between these two dates, five Hungarian sites were granted world heritage status: the caves of the Aggtelek karst, the Benedictine Archabbey of Pannonhalma, Hortobágy, the Early Christian necropolis of Pécs and the Fertő Lake area.

This impressive, lavishly illustrated book introduces readers to the World Heritage sites of Hungary, along with sites that may be awarded UNESCO protection in the near future.

Scolar Kiadó is the first publishing house to have compiled a complete overview of Hungarian World Heritage sites and of the nominated sites on UNESCO’s tentative list, sharing these treasures through the skills of renowned photographers.


Data editiei 2011
Editura Scolar
Legatura cartonat
Limba engleză
Nr. pagini 160
Autor Illés Andrea
Tip calatorie


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